國赫通供應鏈有限公司(Sinotraffic Co., Ltd.)致力于打造全球領先的車輛與裝備供應鏈綜合服務平臺,業(yè)務聚焦于汽車的國際物流供應鏈。公司成立于2010年,總部位于青島,在上海、廣州、深圳、煙臺、連云港、俄羅斯、墨西哥等地設有分支機構。國赫通是中國重汽、一汽、宇通、長安、奇瑞、馬自達、山推、三一等主機廠及其代理商的國際物流合作伙伴。我們多年來不斷研發(fā)新技術、新方案,為客戶提供汽車物流定制化服務,降本增效,使客戶有更多精力投入主營業(yè)務。以“讓供應鏈服務簡單、經濟、可靠”為使命,國赫通希望與客戶建立長久的合作關系,互利共贏。榮譽與資質:國赫通是世界貨運聯(lián)盟WCA成員、首批全國供應鏈創(chuàng)新與應用示范企業(yè)、全國工商聯(lián)委員單位、中國二手車出口試點企業(yè)、山東省博士后創(chuàng)新實踐基地、山東大學實習教學基地、青島市專精特新中小企業(yè);通過了AEO海關高級認證、ISO9001國際質量體系認證。SinotrafficSupply Chain Co., Ltd. was established in 2010.As a supplier of vehicle supply chain solutions, Sinotraffic focuses on international and domestic multimodal transportation of automobiles, as well as exporting services for Chinesenew and used cars.Headquartered in Qingdao, it has subsidiaries in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Yantai, Lianyungang, Russia, Mexico, etc.Sinotraffic is a partner ofmanufacturerslikeSINOTRUK, Shaanxi Automobile, Dongfeng, Yutong, Zhongtong, Changan, Chery, Shantui,etc.Sinotraffic constantly innovates new technology and project to reduce logistics costs and time. A professional team provides customized services, allowing customers to have more energy to invest in their main business.Sinotraffic alsoprovides one-stop services such as procurement, financing, qualifications, logistics, and tax refunds for new and used carsexporting.Sinotraffic is a member of the World Cargo Alliance, one of the first national supply chain innovation and application demonstration enterprises, a member unit of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, a postdoctoral innovation practice base in Shandong Province; Passed AEO Customs Advanced Certification and ISO9001 International Quality System Certification.