更新于 3月7日

Head of Marketing &Sales

  • 北京朝陽區(qū)
  • 10年以上
  • 本科
  • 全職
  • 招1人



The Job.

We are looking for a Head Marketing & Sales. In our matrix organisation our
project-teamleaders are supported by the marketing department. This is
responsible to negotiate and sell our tours to venues, theaters, cultural institutions.The head Marketing & Sales maintains excellent relationship with all
relevant venues, negotiates and concludes contracts himself and with his team.


You love classic music or are curious about it. You are interested in management and marketing
of concerts and performances. You have a bachelor or master degree, a proven
track record of a similar position in our or a related industry. You have
excellent communication and leadership skills, are flexible and are a real
teamplayer. Your mandarin and english language skills are excellent.


Expect a most lively working atmosphere, an interesting network of venues and theaters, a sophisticated project management system, 1:1 contacts to artists and an attractive working environment. Last not least: expect a market-oriented salary with fast steps of development.





“吳氏策劃”系吳氏國際文化傳媒有限公司所屬品牌,創(chuàng)立于 1991年,其宗旨是通過運作國際性高端文化藝術活動,積極推動中外文化的交流、融通,增進各國間的了解和友誼。經過 33年的發(fā)展,吳氏策劃已經成為亞洲最大、也是世界最主要的表演藝術經紀公司之一,迄今成功組織了世界范圍內 500多個表演藝術團體,為超過1800萬名各國觀眾獻上 12000余場演出,涵蓋大型交響樂、舞蹈、戲劇、家庭娛樂以及鋼琴獨奏和室內樂等多個藝術門類。諸多國際最頂尖的藝術團體,如維也納愛樂樂團、柏林愛樂樂團、德累斯頓國家管弦樂團、琉森音樂節(jié)管弦樂團、米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院、馬林斯基劇院、柏林戲劇節(jié)等都與吳氏策劃建立了常年獨家合作伙伴關系,定期進行亞洲范圍內的巡演。同時,吳氏策劃每年舉辦中國不同的表演藝術團體海外巡演,創(chuàng)立“中國春節(jié)民族音樂會”及“中國京劇節(jié)”,在國際舞臺上展示中國文化藝術的魅力和風采。無論引進來還是走出去,所有演出都是嚴格按照通行的國際規(guī)則進行的商業(yè)活動,并由此獲得文化影響力和經濟收益的雙贏,在國際文化領域成功地建立起了專業(yè)化、規(guī)范化的品牌形象,為中國文化藝術和中國的藝術經紀行業(yè)贏得了世界性聲譽。 Founded in Beijing in 1991 by Zezhou Wu and Jiatong Wu, Wu Promotion is one of China’s first performing arts promoters and event organizers. Inspired by a deep passion and dedication to music, Wu Promotion strives to enhance cultural exchange by actively promoting the performing arts and capturing the beauty and diversity of the world’s culture through unique events.With offices in China, Europe and Middle East, its international and creative team organizes more than 500 concerts and events per year in China as well as abroad.Wu Promotion provides premium services for performing arts, event management, public relations, exhibition and business hospitality.Our Services:- Agency service for international performing arts- Promotion and organization of all genres of performing arts worldwide, with special focus on Asia, Europe and Middle East- Organization of big scale international tour for orchestras, theatres and other professional performing troupes from the different countries- Representation and promotion of emerging Chinese young artists on the international performing arts platform- Event management, public and media relations management, and consultation on tourism and business development in China for foreign partners