Job Description: English Language Teacher (ELT)
The role of the English Language Teacher at Family Gems Kindergarten is to provide as much opportunity for English Language Acquisition as possible to each child in his/her classroom. In accomplishing this task, the teacher is expected to fulfill the following duties and responsibilities:
1. Provide individual or small-group English language lessons during the Montessori work cycle(s), congruent with any other ongoing lessons (e.g. Virtues, Chinese), and with respect to the concentrating child.
2. Plan and prepare for lessons and maintain teaching and observation notes in the lesson plan book distributed to each ELT.
a. Lesson planning should be in consultation with Directress in
order to best meet English language needs of each child.
3. Plan and lead the English circle time every day.
4. Assist the Lead Directress/ Virtues Teacher/ Chinese Teacher during Circle Times.
a. The Directress/ Virtues Teacher/ Chinese Teacher are
responsible for planning of their circle times, however ELTs are welcome to aid in the process.
b. ELTs might lead a part of the Circle Times (e.g. an activity, a song, etc.).
c. ELTs are expected to provide English language support and supplement.
5. As the English language model, actively engage in English interactions with
children throughout the day, again with respect to the concentrating child.
6. Complete monthly and termly reports for each child meeting set deadlines.
a. Reports should be well written and proofread before final submission and being sent home with child.
b. Reports should follow standards as determined by department.7. Respect the rules and provisions of the school and department as stated in the Family Gems Staff Handbook for English Language Teachers and any amendments made to roles and duties by the school or agreed upon mutually amongst colleagues.
8. Assist in the classroom with regular day to day tasks (cleaning faces, diaper
changes etc...)
9. Participate in regular peer-observations of ELTs and provide feedback to
help self, colleagues and department in professional growth.
a. Each ELT should observe at least one lesson per month.
10.Conduct oneself in a professional and respectful manner harmonious with
the objectives and philosophy of the school.