Who is Pico TBA Consulting Group LtdPico TBA Consulting Group Ltd is a Pico Worldwide subsidiary who provides strategic consulting services to clients and to Pico regional teams. We combine strategic insights and understanding with the exploration of creative opportunities to create experiences that truly activate client’s brands.We begin with fresh insight, create new perspectives and then design experiential marketing programs that realise our client’s business objectives. Our goal is to continuously activate brands through the creation of relevant brand experiences that achieve the highest return possible for our clients.Pico Worldwide is a brand activation agency which employs 2,400 employees worldwide. It focus on delivering Total Brand Activation to its clients which include Peugeot, Nokia-Siemens, Mercedes, Dow, P&G and Rolls-Royce to name a few. www.tbacreative.net有關筆克聯(lián)動咨詢有限公司筆克聯(lián)動咨詢有限公司是環(huán)球筆克集團成員,直接為客戶或透過全球筆克網(wǎng)絡提供品牌策略顧問服務。我們對策略分析透徹,以創(chuàng)新的方式為最終顧客締造獨特而難忘的體驗,有效激活客戶的品牌。我們以新思維及新視野起步,深入分析客戶的整體目標后,制定體驗式市場營銷的具體目標,從而構思一個全面方案。此外,為確??蛻暨_到最佳回報,我們?nèi)倘ΡO(jiān)管。筆克憑借四十多年豐富經(jīng)驗,一直為客戶提供卓爾不凡的方案,成為全方位品牌激活的領導者。集團既提供一站式全方位品牌激活方案,同時擅長滿足客戶在個別專業(yè)領域上的需要。集團在全球聘用逾2,200名專業(yè)員工,其銷售及生產(chǎn)網(wǎng)絡覆蓋全球32個主要城市。筆克服務的客戶遍布各地,其中包括陶氏化學、麥當勞、奔馳、摩托羅拉、諾基亞西門子、寶潔公司、標致和勞斯萊斯等。筆克遠東集團有限公司于1992年在香港交易所上市(股票代號:0752)。其在2010財政年度的營業(yè)額超過30億港元。 www.tbacreative.net