請前往學校官方網站投遞簡歷。 PLEASE refer to the official website for application: https://career.aisl-edu.com/#Harrow_Beijing
Job Description:
1. To work with the Deputy Head – Chinese Education, Community and Wider Learning, the Upper School Director of Studies (DoS) in promoting, evaluating, coordinating and developing the aims and standards of Harrow Beijing within their Department and cross-departments when required.
2. To be responsible for ensuring that students are supported in their learning journey, setting the highest aspirations for student achievement in the Department and maintaining outstanding academic standards throughout.
3. Take a leading role in supporting the school and the Chinese Education team in working with the local authorities in areas including but not limited to curriculum compliance, reporting and inspection, teacher development including but not limited to the Mandarin and Chinese Humanities subjects.
Job Requirement
1. Master’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature (education) or Teaching Chinese as a Second Language or equivalent
2. Chinese teaching certificate/credential (Middle School or Senior School)
3. Minimum 8 years’ experience in Mandarin teaching in international, bilingual or local schools. At least 3 years’ experience of leading or supporting leadership of a department or providing support to a school/department
4. A clear police check and no question regarding suitability to work with children
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北京悅瑞文化發(fā)展有限公司北京 - 海淀
北京圓夢知行教育科技有限公司北京 - 海淀
北京 - 海淀
北京 - 朝陽
北京 - 順義